The Tiger with a Big Heart

Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm Kosu, a furry tiger who loves adventure, mischief, and my boyfriend Jinpei. He's a bear furry and the sweetest thing ever. We like to explore new places, meet new friends, and have fun together. Here you can find some of my artworks, stories, and photos that showcase my personality and interests. I hope you enjoy them and feel free to contact me if you want to chat or collaborate. Thanks for visiting! ❤️

My BlueSky

Follow me for posts and updates. I share artworks, stories, photos, and more. Message me if you want to chat or ask anything.

My Twitter

Follow me for tweets and retweets. I express myself, interact with furries, and join trends. Tweet or DM me if you want to talk or share.

My Steam

Join me for chat and play. I have a server for furries to hang out, play, voice chat, and more. Send me a friend request if you want to play game with me.

Know More About Kosu

Kosu is a tiger furry who loves adventure, mischief, and creativity. He and his bear buddy Jinpei explore the world and have fun. Kosu is friendly, naughty, loyal, and kind. He likes to tease, flirt, joke, and protect his friends. He draws, writes, and takes photos. He also plays games, watches movies, and listens to music. He tries new things and challenges. He wants to inspire others with his creativity and positivity. On this website, you can see his artworks, stories, and photos. You can also follow him on social media and chat with him on Discord. Join his journey!

My Movies

Videos about me and my furry friends

Recent Action Logs

Know more about me, read my adventure logs

New Year's Eve "Fireworks" 🎇🎇🎇
I'm read you like a book
Happy lunar new year 2024
Explorer badge 🏝️🏜️🏔️
Attack from behind 🥵🥵🥵
Play game 🎮🎮🎮
Happy new year with my bear
Sunny day ⛅️⛅️⛅️